Monday, May 16, 2011


Cheap International Student Health Insurance

Medical costs are very expensive in USA. Foreign and International students should have Student Health Insurance coverage while attending college and university in USA.
Usually University would require students to buy the health insurance for international students provided by them. Some colleges allow students to buy cheap health insurance from International students from external insurance providers.
Students health insurance coverage provided by colleges is usually expensive. about $600 to $800 per semester.
If your college or university provides an option to buy medical insurance from external providers, then it saves you lot of money.

Cheap International Students Health Insurance

There are so many health insurance providers, but we recommend ISOA health insurance for following reasons
  • ISOA provides cheap insurance for foreign students
  • Great coverage options
  • Good customer service
  • Plans stars at $29 per month (thats cheap)

ISOA Health Insurance

My brother used ISOA and several of his roommates purchased at ISOA health insurance. They were in F1 Visa attending school in Texas.
If you are under age of 25 and university allows to buy health insurance from external providers, then you can buy from ISOA health insurance from $29 per month.
Lets do the math for 1 year of  covergae
  • $29 x 12 = $348
University Coverage
  • $600 per semester x 2 – $1200

Which ISOA Health Insurance Plans to Buy

For any first time trvellers to USA will have to understand the terms, health insurance plans and how it works. You will run into new terms like coinsurance, deductible,  lifetime maximum, in-network, out of network, etc.
They provide different plans
Compass Plan
  • Platinum
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Med 1
  • Med 2
Every person’s medical needs are different, so based on your needs, you can buy coverage. they have one of  of the cheap health insurance for international students.

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